Olga Dukhovna

Legal notice

This website is owned by the association C.A.M.P — located at 62 rue capitaine blayo, 56100 Lorient — 07 81 84 34 06 / capsule.artistique@gmail.com

SIRET No: 890 189 756 000 12 – APE: 9002 Z
Licenses: 2-006030 / 3-006031

Amélie-Anne Chapelain is responsible for the content published on the website, acting as Director of Productions at C.A.M.P.

The contents of this website are the property of C.A.M.P or third parties who have authorized C.A.M.P to use them.

Data Protection

The association C.A.M.P does not collect any personal data through this website.

Hosting / Design

This entirely static website is hosted by OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France. It was designed and developed by jm and compiled using 11ty (Open-source / MIT License).